How To Write A Discussion Essay With AI

To write a discussion essay, start with a clear introduction introducing the topic and presenting your main argument. Next, develop the body paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect or viewpoint related to the topic, supported by evidence and facts. Then address counterarguments to strengthen your argument. Conclude your discussion essay by summarizing key points and restating your main argument, leaving readers with a compelling closing thought.

How To Write A Discussion Essay With AI

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To write a discussion essay, start with a clear introduction introducing the topic and presenting your main argument. Next, develop the body paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect or viewpoint related to the topic, supported by evidence and facts. Then address counterarguments to strengthen your argument. Conclude your discussion essay by summarizing key points and restating your main argument, leaving readers with a compelling closing thought.
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How To Write A Discussion Essay
To write a discussion essay, start with a clear introduction introducing the topic and presenting your main argument. Next, develop the body paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect or viewpoint related to the topic, supported by evidence and facts. Then address counterarguments to strengthen your argument. Conclude your discussion essay by summarizing key points and restating your main argument, leaving readers with a compelling closing thought.
As a student, you will likely need to write discussion essays that involve presenting and analyzing various perspectives on a specific topic or issue in academic writing. A discussion essay requires you to analyze the pros and cons of various arguments and provide a well-rounded perspective.
Discussion essays are often used to delve into complex or controversial topics that have multiple dimensions. Your goal is to explore different perspectives to offer a thorough understanding of the topic. This involves analyzing and incorporating existing viewpoints into your discussion by effectively structuring ideas, summarizing, and providing proper citations and references.

Key Takeaways

  • A discussion essay is an academic piece of writing that presents and analyzes various perspectives on a specific topic or issue.
  • The structure of a discussion essay usually follows the introduction, introducing the topic and presenting your main argument. The body paragraphs address a specific aspect or viewpoint of the topic and provide counterarguments. Lastly, the conclusion summarizes key points and restates your main argument.
  • Some valuable tips to guide you when writing a discussion essay are ensuring you understand the essay requirements, carrying out proper in-depth research on the topic, presenting multiple viewpoints in your discussion essay, ensuring your essay is structured properly, and editing to ensure your essay is free from errors.
  • You can use CoWriter as your writing assistant to streamline and enhance the writing and editing processes of discussion essays.
In the rest of this article, you will learn how to effectively organize and structure a discussion essay and gain valuable tips to assist you in writing one.

Structure Of a Discussion Essay

The structure of a discussion essay plays a crucial role in effectively conveying your message and engaging readers. By following a well-defined structure, you can organize your ideas logically, present multiple viewpoints coherently, and make a compelling argument. Although most discussion essays may vary regarding specific topics and content, they generally follow a similar structure consisting of specific components. Let's explore the components of a discussion essay.


The introduction plays a crucial role in engaging the reader by presenting the subject matter in an intriguing and compelling manner. This is where you provide essential background information to establish context. Your introduction also serves to clearly articulate the main idea or focus of the essay.

Key Points to Include:


Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence or statement to draw the reader in. For example, you might start with a startling statistic, a relevant quote, or a thought-provoking question related to the topic of discussion.


Provide background information to establish the significance of the topic. Explain why the issue is important, what the current debates or discussions are, and any relevant historical or contextual details.

Thesis Statement:

Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic. This should be a concise sentence that outlines the primary point of your essay and indicates the stance you will take throughout the discussion. For instance, "This essay argues that plastic bags should be banned due to their detrimental impact on the environment."

Example Introduction:

Plastic pollution is a pressing environmental issue that requires immediate attention. Despite their convenience, plastic bags have detrimental effects on our ecosystems, particularly marine life. This essay argues that banning plastic bags is essential to mitigate environmental damage and safeguard our planet's biodiversity.”.

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs of a discussion essay form the core of your argument, with each paragraph focusing on a specific aspect or viewpoint related to the topic. Let each paragraph explain or discuss one aspect, using specific details and examples to clarify and support your thesis.

Key points to include:

Topic Sentences:

Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that introduces the main idea or argument of that paragraph. This helps maintain clarity and organization within your essay.

Supporting Evidence:

Provide evidence, examples, facts, statistics, or quotations from credible sources to support your points. Explain how the evidence relates to your argument and reinforces your position.

Counter Arguments and Refutations:

Address opposing viewpoints or potential objections to your argument. Acknowledge counterarguments and provide rebuttals or explanations to strengthen your position.

Logical Organization:

Ensure you arrange your paragraphs logically, with each paragraph building upon the previous one to support your overall thesis statement.

Example Body Paragraph

One argument in favor of banning plastic bags is their harmful impact on marine life. According to a study by the Ocean Conservancy, over 100,000 marine animals are killed annually due to ingestion or entanglement in plastic debris, including plastic bags.
Some may argue that banning plastic bags will inconvenience consumers and businesses reliant on them for packaging. However, the long-term environmental benefits of reducing plastic pollution outweigh the short-term inconvenience. Alternatives such as reusable bags are readily available and more sustainable.”


The conclusion of a discussion essay summarizes the key points discussed and restates the thesis while leaving the reader with a thought-provoking closing statement or implication.

Key Points to Include:

Summary of Key Points:

Recap the main arguments or viewpoints presented in the body paragraphs. Highlight the significance of your argument and the evidence supporting it.

Restatement of Thesis/main point:

Reinforce your main argument by restating your thesis in light of the evidence presented throughout the essay.

Closing Thoughts:

End with a thought-provoking statement or recommendation related to the topic. Consider implications, future directions, or actions that could be taken based on your argument.

Example Conclusion:

In conclusion, while the debate over banning plastic bags is complex, the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need for proactive measures to reduce plastic pollution. By implementing a ban on plastic bags and promoting sustainable alternatives, we can protect our environment and preserve the biodiversity of our oceans for future generations.”

Linking words

Linking words and phrases are essential for connecting ideas and creating smooth transitions between sentences and paragraphs in a discussion essay. They help enhance the fluency and Coherence of your essay. Here's a list of linking words categorized by their functions:

For introducing ideas:

Firstly, To begin with, In the first place, To start with.

For Adding Information:

Additionally, Furthermore, Moreover, In addition, Also.

For Presenting Contrasting Ideas:

However, Nevertheless, On the other hand, Conversely, In contrast.

For Providing Examples:

For example, For instance, Such as, In particular, To illustrate.

For Showing Cause and Effect:

Therefore, Thus, Consequently, As a result, Hence, Since, As a result, Consequently, Due to.

For Expressing Agreement:

Similarly, Likewise, Equally, In the same way, Correspondingly.

For Summarizing:

In conclusion, To summarize, Overall, All in all, In summary, In short,.

For Emphasizing Points:

Importantly, Notably, Indeed, It is important to note, Above all.

Transitioning to the Next Point:

Moving on to Next, Subsequently, Secondly, Another key Point.

For Expressing Uncertainty:

Perhaps, Maybe, It is possible that It is uncertain whether It is worth considering.

Valuable Tips to Guide You When Writing a Discussion Essay

Ensure You Understand the Essay Prompt and Requirements:

Before you start writing, take time to thoroughly understand the essay prompt. If the prompt asks you to discuss the pros and cons of a particular policy, ensure you analyze both sides objectively. Your thesis statement should clearly state your stance on the issue and preview the main points you will discuss in the essay. Here are some steps to guide you:

Read and Analyze the Prompt:

Carefully read the essay prompt or question to understand what is being asked and what information you need to provide. Identify key instructions, such as discussing, analyzing, or evaluating multiple viewpoints.

Clarify the scope:

Determine the scope of the essay by identifying the main topic, key terms, and any specific requirements (e.g., word count, sources to use).

Define Your Thesis:

Develop a concise statement outlining your main argument or position on the topic.

Conduct in-depth research:

Say you are writing a discussion essay on renewable energy; you'll need to conduct research to gather data on the benefits and challenges of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Take notes on specific examples of successful renewable energy initiatives and relevant environmental impact studies. Here are some steps to guide you:

Gather Reliable Sources for Your Essay:

Use reputable sources, such as academic journals, books, and credible websites, to gather information and evidence about your topic.

Evaluate your sources:

Assess each source's credibility, relevance, and reliability before using it in your essay. You want to ensure that you only use credible facts in your essay.

Take notes and organize information.

Keep detailed notes of your research's key points, quotes, and statistics. Organize this information based on the themes or arguments you plan to explore in your essay.

Present Multiple Viewpoints and Arguments in Your Essay:

If your essay discusses social media's impact on youth, you have to explore both positive and negative effects. Support your arguments with research findings, real-life examples, and expert opinions. You'll also need to counterarguments by acknowledging concerns about social media addiction while highlighting its role in facilitating social connections. Here's how you can achieve this:

Develop balanced arguments:

Present different perspectives or arguments related to the topic. Address both sides of the issue to provide a comprehensive analysis.

Support with Evidence:

Back up each argument with credible evidence, examples, or data. Use quotes or statistics from reputable sources to strengthen your points.

Address Counterarguments:

Acknowledge opposing viewpoints and explain why your argument is stronger. Anticipate and refute potential objections to demonstrate critical thinking.

Structure your essay effectively:

To make this step easier for you, use We will help you structure your discussion essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs exploring different viewpoints, and a concise conclusion reinforcing your main argument. You can use headings and subheadings to organize your thoughts and guide the reader through your essay.


Begin with an engaging introduction that provides context, states your thesis, and previews the main arguments.

Body Paragraphs:

Organize your arguments logically into distinct paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the topic. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence.

Transition Smoothly:

Use transitions or linking words and phrases (e.g., furthermore, on the other hand) to ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs and ideas.


Summarize key points discussed in the body paragraphs, restate your thesis, and leave the reader with a thought-provoking closing statement.

Edit and revise carefully:

Most writers often say editing can be the most difficult part of writing an essay, but it doesn't have to be. With, you can easily edit your discussion essay for clarity, coherence, and accuracy. After completing the first draft of your discussion essay, set it aside for a while before revisiting it with a fresh perspective. Pay attention to grammar and spelling to ensure your essay is polished and professional.

Review for clarity and coherence:

Read through your essay to ensure clarity of expression and coherence of ideas. Clarify any ambiguous statements or transitions.

Check for consistency:

Ensure you maintain consistency in tone, style, and formatting throughout your essay.

Proofread for grammar and spelling:

Correct any grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, or spelling errors.

Evaluate your argument:

Assess the strength of your argument and the effectiveness of your evidence. Make revisions to strengthen weak points or clarify ambiguous arguments. Remember, you want to write an essay that your readers can understand and follow as they read.

Examples Of Discussion Essay Written Using Cowriter.Ai

Topic 1: The Impact Of Social Media On Teenagers: Discuss the positive and negative effects on teenagers' mental health and social interaction.

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The widespread use of social media among teenagers has led to growing concerns regarding its impact on their mental health. In recent years, research has provided valuable insights into the positive and negative impact of social media on teenagers' mental health, revealing important statistics and trends regarding social media usage and teenagers' mental health. As a result, it is crucial to examine the relevant statistics to better understand the potential effects of social media on teenagers' mental health.
It is important to acknowledge both the positive and negative effects of social media on teenagers' mental health. On one hand, social media provides a platform for teenagers to express themselves, connect with others, and access valuable information. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 81% of teenagers feel more connected and supported by their peers due to social media.
On the other hand, excessive use of social media has been linked to negative mental health outcomes. A survey by the Royal Society for Public Health found that Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook were the most detrimental to young people's mental health, causing issues such as anxiety, depression, and body image concerns.
In terms of social interactions, social media has the potential to enhance communication and relationships. However, it can also lead to reduced face-to-face interactions and feelings of loneliness. According to a report by Common Sense Media, 42% of teenagers feel addicted to their mobile devices, which can hinder their ability to engage in meaningful social interactions.
In conclusion, social media usage has both positive and negative effects on teenagers' mental health and social interactions. It is important for parents, educators, and policymakers to be aware of these effects and to support teenagers in developing healthy and balanced relationships with social media.

Topic 2: Benefits of Studying Abroad vs. the Benefits of Studying in Your Home Country.

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Studying abroad and studying in your home country both have their own unique benefits. Studying abroad can offer cultural immersion, language proficiency, and independence, while studying in your home country can provide a sense of familiarity, cost savings, and support from family and friends. Each option offers valuable opportunities for personal and academic growth.
Studying abroad has become an increasingly popular option for students seeking to broaden their horizons and enhance their education. By engaging with a new culture and gaining a global perspective on their field of study, students can develop a deeper understanding of international issues and experience personal growth. In this paper, we will explore the various benefits of studying abroad, including its impact on students' academic and personal development. Additionally, we will discuss how this experience can contribute to a more well-rounded and globally aware individual and, ultimately, a more competitive professional in the global job market.
Exposure to different cultures and perspectives while studying abroad can also enhance a student's adaptability, communication skills, and independence, which are valuable qualities in today's globalized job market. Research from the British Council indicates that most students who studied abroad became more confident, independent, and adaptable due to their experience. This personal growth is often attributed to the challenges and unique experiences of living and studying in a foreign country.
However, it is also important to consider the benefits of studying in one's home country. For example, staying in one's home country may provide a sense of familiarity and access to a family and friend support system. Additionally, studying at a local institution may be more cost-effective and allow students to maintain connections with their community. According to statistics from the Institute of International Education, though the number of American students studying abroad has steadily increased, most still choose to pursue their education within the United States.
Ultimately, studying abroad and in your home country has unique benefits. It ultimately depends on the individual's goals and preferences. While studying abroad can provide cultural exposure and improved language skills, studying in your home country offers familiarity with the education system, lower-cost education, a strong support system, and job opportunities in your home country.

Topic 3: Traditional Education vs. Online Education: Which approach fosters learning and skill development more effectively?

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Traditional education is often associated with in-person lectures and class discussions and has long been the primary mode of learning, but with the advancement of technology, online education has gained popularity. Each approach has its own advantages and limitations, making it essential to examine which is more effective in fostering learning and skill development.
Traditional education offers face-to-face interaction, immediate feedback, and a structured learning environment, which can benefit some learners. On the other hand, online education provides flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences. However, it lacks in-person interaction and real-time feedback.
To determine which approach is more effective, it is crucial to consider individual learners' needs and the subject matter's nature. Some students may thrive in a traditional classroom setting, while others may prefer the flexibility of online learning. Additionally, certain subjects may be better suited for traditional education, while others can be effectively taught online.
In conclusion, both traditional and online education have strengths and weaknesses in fostering learning and skill development. Ultimately, the effectiveness of each approach depends on the learner's individual needs and the subject matter's nature.

Topic 4: Gun Rights vs Gun Control: Should there be stricter gun control laws to reduce violence, or should individuals have the right to own firearms for self-defense?

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Gun control has been a highly debated topic in the United States for many years. On one side of the argument, advocates for stricter gun control laws emphasize the need to reduce gun violence and
prevent mass shootings. On the other side, proponents of gun rights argue that it is a constitutional right to bear arms and that stricter laws would infringe on personal liberty and self-defense. Is it possible to implement stricter gun control laws without infringing on the right to own firearms for self-defense?
Research has shown that countries with stricter gun control laws experience lower rates of gun violence. For example, a study by the American Journal of Public Health found that states with stricter gun control laws have fewer firearm-related deaths. Additionally, a report by the Congressional Research Service revealed that areas with higher levels of gun ownership also have higher rates of gun-related homicides. These statistics highlight the effectiveness of implementing stricter gun control laws in reducing violence.
In conclusion, there have also been instances where firearms have been used for self-defense. It is important to consider the impact of easy access to firearms on incidents of mass shootings and domestic violence. Therefore, while respecting the right to own firearms for self-defense, it is crucial to prioritize public safety by advocating for stricter gun control laws.

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Fredrick Eghosa

Written by

Fredrick Eghosa

AI Content Expert

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