How to Write a 100 Word Scholarship Essay

To write a 100 word scholarship essay, focus on a single, compelling point. Start with a strong hook, highlight a key personal achievement or experience, and explain how the scholarship will help you. Once you're done writing, edit for clarity and impact.

How to Write a 100 Word Scholarship Essay
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To write a 100 word scholarship essay, focus on a single, compelling point. Start with a strong hook, highlight a key personal achievement or experience, and explain how the scholarship will help you. Once you're done writing, edit for clarity and impact.
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How to Write a 100 Word Scholarship Essay
To write a 100 word scholarship essay, focus on a single, compelling point. Start with a strong hook, highlight a key personal achievement or experience, and explain how the scholarship will help you. Once you're done writing, edit for clarity and impact.
Writing a powerful experience or dream to fit into a few sentences as a 100-word scholarship essay can be tricky—my first experience with this felt like I was caged beyond expressing myself, and this may be how you feel while doing your search.
But on the contrary, that is the opposite, as a 100 word scholarship essay is a great chance to show off your ability to deliver a strong message in a nutshell—a perfect way to show off your elevator pitching skills.
The aim of this article is to guide you through the stages of writing a 100 word scholarship essay, focusing mostly on how to ensure you write within the 100 word count whilst still including your main points. Now, let's get that scholarship!

Key Takeaways

  • A 100 word scholarship essay is not always big or extra, yet it is very effective to express a good scholarship essay.
  • While writing a 100-word article, consider your key delivery—what specific thing about you is the right focus you want to drive home to the reader?
  • The daunting part of a 100 word scholarship essay is bringing everything about you together into 100 words, and that is what this article essentially helps with—guiding you through how to go about it.
  • Uniqueness is something very important to keep in mind while writing such a scholarship essay. Take a suitable space to fill, although as much as it’s 100 words, one or two unique things about you.
  • You should only start penning your next 100 word scholarship essay when you know your way around editing. Edit and remove any words not needed, making your lines readable enough so they are clear and impactful to the reader.
  • Now, one major critical tip in killing a 100 word scholarship essay is sticking to the essay questions or prompts. This is not the same kind of usual scholarship essay without limits, where you’re liberal in your writing. Therefore, stick to the essay prompts while writing.

Before Writing A 100 Word Scholarship Essay

Before embarking on a journey, some ideas or information that will in a right sense point one to the arena, helping in making the process seamless, are worth noting. In light of this, before writing a 100-word scholarship essay, here are some things worth noting to ensure you achieve the aim of the essay at the end and make the writing process less rigorous.
Before you start writing your 100 word scholarship essay, here are several things you should consider:

Understand the Scholarship Prompt

Before you go into writing, study the scholarship prompt like you were reading an exam question because you can count it as one. Deeply understand what kind of content is being demanded by the scholarship committee. This will help your essay stay synced with the scholarship demands.

Plan and Structure Your Essay

Planning is not a step you can skip. Limitation on the number of words you are allowed to write means you should draft a layout of how you want to structure your essay in order that it helps in gauging your words, so you will stay in check and not go off track.
Here is the basic structure of an essay:
  • Introduction: Here, provide some basic information about you and the essay you’re writing about.
  • Body: Write more in-depth about your purpose for writing the essay. This is where you talk about your background, your life, achievements, and plans for the future, and why scholarship funds are needed by you. It's also a good part of the application to share your unique story.
  • Conclusion: As you wind up your essay, you should indicate how education and everything you have spoken about in the outline of the essay are making a difference so far, and how the scholarship will help to improve them. Thank the committee for considering your application as well.

Writing a Scholarship Essay: One Step Away from Landing a Scholarship

This is where the real journey starts. To hit that winning essay while still being within guidelines, you should be able to look at everything in this section and tick it as completed after you’re done writing your essay. Here is a step-by-step guideline:

Start With An Irresistible Hook

What do you do when your audience only has a few seconds to spend on your essay? Grab their attention.
You may also try to start with several phrases that intrigue them. That will increase their curiosity and make them want to read more from you. Therefore, it is necessary to begin your essay in such a way. This can be some interesting fact about you, a statement that gets one curious, or the idea connecting your educational experience to the key question.

Focus on a Main Point

What you do when limited by words is to pick a point and focus on it. Stick to your main idea—your ‘why’ for the scholarship—and spiral into the details of the same.
For example, trying to discuss too many things in a 100 word scholarship essay may be dangerous because there is a risk of wandering away from the main point of your essay.
While writing on this main point, ensure that everything is in simple language. your essay. No complex words should be used.
Here are some tips that elaborate on the context of focusing on your main point:
  • Use the proper phrases, and do not use those words that you think are not necessary.
  • Make realistic statements. Avoid the use of tricky sentences or exaggerations that may lead you to prove points that are out of the context of the essay.
  • When expounding on the main points of your essay, always remain within the key facts. Then, to keep the reader flowing easily with your message, connect every message to the next.

Be Personal: Do Not Generalize

What makes you uniquely you as a person? Now's the time to show off your strengths!
Finally, as indicated earlier, a 100 word scholarship places an essence on uniqueness. This is typically the best position of the scholarship to infuse what will make you different, helping to set you apart from other applicants.
Here are some of the things you can talk about:
1. Personal life experience that, according to you, relates to what is being asked by the scholarship prompt.
2. An accomplishment on the subject of the essay.
3. A skill that you and the scholarship board need in their students. You can go ahead and prove you have this skill by talking about a challenge you've once encountered and how that particular skill helped you to come out of it.
This will be your best spot to unleash those storytelling skills. A story sticks better than words alone do.
This, however, should be brief, bearing in mind that you only have 100 words to convince your readers why they should choose you.
Well, just like in marketing, your story is most likely to be your selling point, so it is with this scholarship essay. Your story is yours, and no one else has the same story as you do. That makes your essay different from that of others, so you will need to embrace your uniqueness here.
Suppose you know by application that, in some cases, a slot may be complete; however, because of what the essay reader finds interesting in a particular content, they're likely to consider that specific applicant. That tells you how important your uniqueness is.
Also, in an application, thousands of applicants could have all the requirements passed or exceeded. In this case, each individual's uniqueness—motivation, ideas, and aspirations—can be the next judging criterion; hence, it is important to be unique in writing your scholarship essay.

Conclusion: Make an impact.

Unless you have never read any books or watched a movie and after it was over still remembered some of the words or scenes, you have had an impact.
Making an impact requires you to leave a mark that will retain you in the audience's mind.
In conclusion, state and summarize briefly the major points raised in the body of the essay, and exhaustively finish with a statement that will leave any reader who goes through your essay convinced. Also, be sure to thank the selection committee for taking the time to read through your application.

Revise and Make Your Edits

This step means that after writing your essay, it is important to go through it again. Do this in a bid to correct grammar mistakes, adhere to the proposed structure, answer scholarship prompts, and fill in areas not covered well.
To iterate this point:
  • Revise what you have written, then rewrite.
  • Edit the necessary words or sentences.
  • Revise the essay again after editing.
  • So what you'll want to do is just repeat this as hell as much as you want until you're pleased with what you got.
Tip: Test-read your essay while revising. This will put you in the reader's position so you know what comes across from your message and the tone used in your writing.
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100 Word Scholarship Essay Example

To assist you in understanding this article perfectly, a downloadable 100-word scholarship essay example is attached below, which you can use as a guide in writing yours.
Download the 100 word scholarship essay example here.

Explaining the 100-word scholarship essay above

From the example above, you could see that the applicant started off by giving an engaging story-like introduction, then told a bit more about himself, his dreams, goals, and aspirations. After this, he stated how the scholarship would be of value to him. This lets the reader know that this applicant requires this scholarship for a good cause.
To end the essay, the applicant closed by reminding the reader of the impact they can make if accepted into the scholarship and how enthusiastic they are about it.

How to Use CoWriter to Write a 100 Word Scholarship Essay

It can be really helpful to use a writing assistant to improve your essay when writing a 100 word scholarship essay. Here's how CoWriter can help you when you’re writing an essay:
1. Use CoWriter to seek suggestions.
notion image
If you have written your essay and still aren't sure about the strength or conviction in your essay, just copy and paste it into Then, ask them for suggestions on how to improve the essay you have written.
2. Use CoWriter’s suggestions to refine your essay.
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You can utilize CoWriter's suggestions to review your essay. Make a note of what should and shouldn't be added.
With all this, you can write that scholarship winning essay. Now, let us conclude this with a summary of what you have read so far.


You need to exercise extra care when writing a 100 word scholarship essay so you do not miss out on points and find the best way to shorten the key points for an essay.
This article has provided a guide on how to achieve this, beginning from structure, what to include, how you can focus on the main points, and has even given an example to make the process seamless.
In summary, the key points include:
  • Start with a good hook; this will ensure that your reader does not bypass your essay and move to another one.
  • Focus and pinpoint key things onto a central point.
  • Don't generalize your essay; rather, see it as an opportunity that is going to create a first impression.
  • Summarize by highlighting one of the impacts that is important. It could be a small part of your personal story to help your readers remember you.
  • Keep rewriting and polishing your essay until you are satisfied with what you have written. Read it aloud, too—this means that you take the position of your reader and can hear how it sounds like what you've written.


1. How do I start writing a scholarship essay?
First of all, plan how you want to structure your essay. Jot down your main points, and then begin writing.
2. How can I put all my points to be within the limited word count?
This is where you notice the importance of planning your essay. To remain within the word count as a student, you should only write the main points and omit words or phrases that you find unnecessary.
3. Can I add personal stories to my 100-word scholarship essay?
Yes. A 100-word scholarship essay is where you’re supposed to divert straight into your personal stories and avoid any kind of irrelevant topics; hence, the strict word count—the reader just wants you to get straight to the point.

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Fredrick Eghosa

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Fredrick Eghosa

AI Content Expert

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