10 Evaluation Essay examples

An evaluation essay can take different styles; there are argumentative evaluation essays, analytical evaluation essays,  Descriptive evaluation essays, and comparative evaluation essays. To write an evaluation essay, start by choosing a suitable topic, setting evaluation criteria, gathering evidence to back your evaluation, creating an outline to guide your evaluation essay, writing your evaluation, and editing to ensure the final draft is error-free.

10 Evaluation Essay examples
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An evaluation essay can take different styles; there are argumentative evaluation essays, analytical evaluation essays,  Descriptive evaluation essays, and comparative evaluation essays. To write an evaluation essay, start by choosing a suitable topic, setting evaluation criteria, gathering evidence to back your evaluation, creating an outline to guide your evaluation essay, writing your evaluation, and editing to ensure the final draft is error-free.
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An evaluation essay can take different styles; there are argumentative evaluation essays, analytical evaluation essays,  Descriptive evaluation essays, and comparative evaluation essays. To write an evaluation essay, start by choosing a suitable topic, setting evaluation criteria, gathering evidence to back your evaluation, creating an outline to guide your evaluation essay, writing your evaluation, and editing to ensure the final draft is error-free.
When writing an evaluation essay, you aim to express a perspective on a topic or work. You must maintain objectivity and support your opinions with factual evidence and examples to accomplish this effectively. This is why crafting an evaluation essay demands significant research effort, which many students struggle with due to its time-intensive nature. However, you can improve your skills in creating evaluation essays with practice.

Key Takeaways

  • An evaluation essay is a form of academic writing that involves critically assessing and analyzing a particular subject based on specific criteria.
  • An evaluation essay follows the structure of standard academic writing, which includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.
  • There are various types of evaluation essays, such as:
    • Argumentative evaluation essay
    • descriptive evaluation essay
    • Analytical evaluation essay
    • comparative evaluation essay
    • Narrative evaluation essay
    • Cause-and-effect evaluation essay
  • To write an evaluation essay, choose a suitable topic, establish evaluation criteria, collect evidence to support your evaluation, create an outline, and draft your evaluation. Lastly, edit and revise your essay.
  • You can use CoWriter to enhance your essay and streamline the process of writing it.
In the rest of this article, you will discover how to structure an evaluation essay, the different types of evaluation essays, and guidelines for writing an effective evaluation essay.

What is an Evaluation essay?

An evaluation essay is a form of academic writing that involves critically assessing and analyzing the quality, significance, or value of a particular subject based on specific criteria. Unlike a basic review or summary, an evaluation essay requires a thorough analysis and judgment supported by evidence and examples.
The primary objective of this type of essay is to offer objective criticism of diverse subjects and draw conclusions about them. An evaluation essay aims to provide convincing evidence that justifies your opinion on a subject. Certain key elements are essential when you're writing an evaluation essay, including:

The subject of evaluation:

The evaluation essay centers around a specific subject. This could be a movie, a book, a restaurant, or an academic program. The subject must be clearly defined and relevant to the chosen criteria for evaluation.

Establishing Criteria:

Establishing clear evaluation standards, known as criteria, is crucial to effectively evaluating various aspects of subjects like brands, services, or products. These criteria act as benchmarks for judging the subject. They should be specific, measurable, and directly relevant to the evaluation's purpose.
Performance, design, functionality, usability, effectiveness, quality, and value are examples of criteria commonly used in evaluation essays. These criteria create a structured framework for comprehensive and objective assessment.

Objective Analysis:

Objectivity is an important element in an evaluation essay. It is not a personal review in which you state your personal opinion without facts; it is an objective analysis devoid of personal bias. The analysis should be based on evidence and logical reasoning.

Evidence and Examples:

This element distinguishes an evaluation essay from a basic review. In an evaluation essay, providing supporting evidence to substantiate your judgment is essential. For instance, if you are critiquing a device and asserting that it fails to meet expected standards, you must present specific evidence to support this assertion.
Using examples is key to illustrating the subject's strengths and weaknesses based on the chosen criteria. These examples demonstrate how the subject aligns with or falls short of the established standards, thereby strengthening the validity and credibility of your evaluation.
By incorporating factual evidence and relevant examples, you can effectively showcase the basis for your judgment in the evaluation essay.

Critical Judgment:

Your critical judgment forms the thesis statement of your evaluation essay. It contains the main point of your essay and previews what it will discuss. This judgment is based on how well the subject meets the established criteria for your evaluation. To arrive at a critical judgment, it's essential to thoroughly consider the subject's positive and negative aspects.
The main goal of your evaluation is to provide a balanced assessment that weighs these aspects against the criteria you've set.

Comparative Analysis:

To arrive at a well-founded judgment in your evaluation essay, it's important to compare your subject with others. This comparative analysis allows you to highlight its unique qualities or shortcomings in relation to similar subjects or standards. By comparing, you provide context and depth to your evaluation, allowing for a more nuanced and insightful assessment.
Comparisons with similar subjects or established standards help clarify how your subject stands out or falls short in specific areas.

Organized Structure:

Like other forms of academic writing, an effective evaluation essay adheres to a structured format comprising an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction introduces the subject and presents the thesis statement or overall judgment. Body paragraphs focus on specific criteria, providing analysis and supporting evidence. The conclusion summarizes key points and reinforces the overall evaluation.

How to structure an evaluation

An evaluation essay is structured into three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The three key elements—judgment, criteria, and evidence—are presented in these sections.
Structuring an evaluation essay effectively is crucial for presenting a coherent and compelling subject analysis. Below is an extensive guide on how to structure an evaluation essay:


The title of your evaluation essay serves as the heading that highlights the content and purpose of your document for the reader. It should effectively convey the essence of your evaluation and clearly indicate what your essay focuses on.
A good title for an evaluation essay should be concise yet descriptive, giving readers a preview of the subject and the criteria being used for assessment. A well-crafted title can pique the reader's interest and set the tone for the following evaluation. It should be engaging and informative, helping your reader understand the scope and purpose of your evaluation essay from the outset.


The first paragraph of an essay is called the introduction.  You should always Begin your introduction with an engaging opening sentence to capture your reader's attention. An important component of the introduction in evaluative writing is background information. Provide background information about the subject to establish the context and purpose of your evaluation. For instance, if a book is being evaluated in the essay, providing a summary of the book would be helpful to the reader.
"In this evaluation essay, I will assess the effectiveness of the latest smartphone model based on its design, performance, and value for money."

Proceed to Establish Criteria.

Your introduction is where you establish and state the criteria for your analysis. You must Clearly define the standards that will be used to evaluate the subject. Explain why these criteria are relevant and important for assessing the subject effectively. Each criterion should be specific and directly related to the aspects you intend to evaluate.

Thesis statement

After establishing the criteria, proceed to state your thesis. Your thesis statement summarizes the main point of your evaluation essay and tells your reader what your essay is about. For it to hold water, it should have supporting information from credible sources. It should only highlight what you will cover in the paper and should not be generalized.
"The evaluation will consider the smartphone's design aesthetics, technical performance, user interface, battery life, and pricing.”

Body Paragraphs:

The body paragraphs in your evaluation essay follow your introduction and precede your conclusion. Each body paragraph should be dedicated to a specific criterion identified in the introduction. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence introducing the criterion under evaluation. In the body paragraphs, your goal is to provide a detailed analysis and evaluation of the subject based on the criterion, supported by relevant evidence, examples, data, or quotes. Additionally, comparing the subject to similar standards or benchmarks can add depth to your analysis.
Example (Body Paragraph Topic Sentence):
"The design aesthetics of the smartphone are visually appealing and ergonomic, enhancing user experience."

Counter Arguments (Optional):

Addressing potential counterarguments or differing viewpoints can demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Acknowledging opposing perspectives and Refuting counterarguments with facts and evidence strengthens the credibility of your evaluation.
"While some may argue that the smartphone's pricing is justified by its advanced features, comparative analysis reveals similar models offering better value."


Your conclusion is the last paragraph of your evaluation essay, where you summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs without introducing new information. Restate your overall evaluation or thesis statement, emphasizing key findings and insights. Reflect on the significance of the evaluation's outcomes and implications for the subject or audience.

Types of Evaluation Essay

Evaluation essays can be approached using different writing styles or formats, each with its own specific elements of analysis and argumentation. The style of evaluation essay you should opt for depends on your assignment requirements, the nature of the subject being evaluated, and your intended approach to presenting your analysis and judgment. Let's look at some styles or formats of evaluation essays:

Argumentative Evaluation Essay:

An argumentative evaluation essay presents a strong argument or claim about the evaluated subject and supports it with evidence and reasoning. This evaluation essay focuses on persuading your reader to agree with your assessment and judgment.
Evaluating the impact of social media on mental health, arguing that excessive use of social media contributes to increased anxiety and depression rates among young adults, supported by research studies and statistics.

Analytical Evaluation Essay:

An analytical evaluation essay examines a particular subject in depth, breaking it into its essential components and analyzing how each contributes to its effectiveness or quality. It requires you to provide a detailed analysis and examination of specific aspects or elements of the subject.
Analyzing a novel's characterization, plot structure, and themes to evaluate its literary merit and impact on readers.

Comparative Evaluation Essay:

A comparative evaluation essay compares and contrasts multiple subjects based on specific criteria, highlighting similarities, differences, strengths, and weaknesses. It focuses on identifying which subject performs better or meets criteria more effectively.
Comparing two leading smartphone models based on design, performance, user interface, and value for money to determine the superior choice for consumers.

Descriptive Evaluation Essay:

A descriptive evaluation essay provides a detailed description and assessment of the subject, focusing on conveying its characteristics, features, and qualities. This evaluation essay focuses on vividly describing the subject to provide a clear picture for the reader.
Describing a museum's architecture, exhibits, and visitor experience to evaluate its effectiveness in preserving and presenting cultural heritage.

Cause and Effect Evaluation Essay:

A cause-and-effect evaluation essay explores how specific factors or actions contribute to certain outcomes or effects related to the subject. You'll have to identify causal relationships and analyze the impact of various factors.
Investigating the causes of declining customer satisfaction in a restaurant and evaluating the effect on its reputation and business performance.

Narrative Evaluation Essay:

A narrative evaluation essay tells a story or recounts personal experiences related to the evaluated subject, incorporating reflective insights and observations. It shares a narrative perspective to convey the writer's evaluation and assessment.
Reflecting on personal experiences using a fitness app and evaluating its effectiveness in promoting regular exercise and healthy habits.

How to Write an Evaluation Essay Using CoWriter

Writing an evaluation essay involves examining a subject using defined criteria and presenting a supported judgment. This type of writing demands thorough research and understanding, which can be very time-consuming.
Therefore, exploring tools to streamline and improve the writing process is beneficial. One effective tool for achieving this is our AI writing assistant, CoWriter. Here is a  guide on how to write an evaluation essay using CoWriter:

Start by Selecting a Topic Using CoWriter:

Your essay's topic is the foundation for your entire argument, so it's crucial to choose wisely. Without a clear topic, developing a compelling argument becomes impossible. If your assignment doesn't specify a topic, opt for a subject that you can evaluate objectively and personally interests you.
When selecting a topic, avoid overly broad themes, as they can make it challenging to find sufficient supporting material. Instead, opt for a specific topic for meaningful analysis and assessment.
Consider choosing a topic for your evaluation essay based on firsthand experience or one you can thoroughly research to gather relevant evidence and examples. Evaluation essays can cover a diverse range of subjects across various fields. The key is to select a topic you can assess objectively and analyze using specific criteria. Here are some ideas for potential evaluation essay topics:
  • Movies or TV Shows: Evaluate a recent blockbuster film or popular TV series based on its storyline, acting performances, cinematography, soundtrack, or character development.
  • Literary works: Assess a classic novel, contemporary bestseller, or literary work based on themes, writing style, character development, plot structure, cultural significance, or impact on readers.
  • Restaurants: Review a local restaurant or food establishment based on food quality, menu variety, service efficiency, ambiance, cleanliness, pricing, or overall dining experience.
  • Products or Gadgets: Evaluate a specific product or gadget (e.g., smartphone, laptop, kitchen appliance) based on its design, functionality, durability, user interface, performance, value for money, or customer satisfaction.
  • Academic Programs or Courses: Analyze an academic program or course offered by a university or institution based on its curriculum, teaching methods, student engagement, relevance to industry standards, or job prospects.
  • Health and Wellness Practices: Evaluate a health and wellness practice (e.g., yoga, meditation, fitness program) based on its effectiveness, benefits, accessibility, or impact on overall well-being.
  • Travel Destinations: Assess a popular destination based on its attractions, cultural experiences, hospitality, accommodations, transportation options, and local cuisine.
  • Sustainability Efforts: Evaluate a company's environmental initiatives, sustainability practices, conservation efforts, waste management, or commitment to eco-friendly practices.
  • Social Media Platforms or Apps: Review a social media platform or mobile app based on its user interface, privacy settings, content moderation, engagement features, or accessibility.
If you struggle to choose a suitable topic, you can use CoWriter to brainstorm and refine your essay topic. Our AI writing assistant will help generate ideas based on your interests and suggest specific subjects suitable for evaluation by entering a suitable prompt.
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Define your evaluation criteria:

When determining the criteria to evaluate your chosen subject, it's essential to select standards that are relevant, significant, and directly aligned with the purpose of your evaluation. Your chosen criteria should provide a clear framework for effectively assessing and analyzing the subject.
For example, if you're evaluating a product, you might consider criteria such as:
  • Performance: How well does the product fulfill its intended function or purpose?
  • Design: Is the product aesthetically appealing and functional in its design?
  • Functionality: How easy is it to use the product, and does it perform as expected?
  • Usability: Is the product user-friendly and intuitive?
  • Effectiveness: To what extent does the product achieve the desired results or outcomes?
  • Quality: What is the quality of materials, construction, and craftsmanship?
  • Value: Is the product worth its price based on its performance and quality?
On the other hand, if you're evaluating a book, movie, or advertisement, your criteria might include:
  • Plot: How engaging and well-developed is the storyline?
  • Value: Does the content provide meaningful insights or entertainment value?
  • Genre: How well does the work fit within its genre conventions?
  • The chemistry between characters (for books or movies): Are the interactions between characters believable and compelling?
Choosing specific and relevant criteria will enable you to conduct a thorough and insightful evaluation of your chosen subject. These criteria will be the basis for your analysis and judgment in the evaluation essay.

Gather Evidence:

It's time to collect the evidence that will form the bulk of your evaluation essay. You cannot write a comprehensive evaluation essay with supporting evidence.
Use a combination of research, personal observations, expert opinions, and factual data. Gather examples, quotes, statistics, or case studies illustrating your subject's strengths and weaknesses. Collect enough supporting evidence and examples to validate your evaluation and judgments.

Create an outline using CoWriter:

Before you start writing your essay, you have to create an outline. This outline will serve as a map to guide you in developing your essay. Organize your thoughts and plan the structure of your evaluation essay. Include key sections such as the introduction, criteria definition, body paragraphs, counterarguments (if applicable), and conclusion. Outline each criterion you will evaluate and the evidence you will use to support your analysis.
Work with CoWriter to create a structured outline for your essay. CoWriter will help you structure and define the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion to guide you in writing a comprehensive evaluation essay.
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Write your essay using CoWriter:

Now, use your outline to write your evaluation essay using the gathered information. Begin with a captivating introduction that presents your subject, grabs the reader's attention, and underscores its significance. Clearly state the purpose of your evaluation and introduce your thesis statement.
In the body paragraphs, dedicate individual sections to each criterion identified in the introduction. Support your evaluation with pertinent evidence, examples, data, or quotations. Utilize comparative analysis to highlight strengths and weaknesses relative to similar subjects or benchmarks.
Finally, craft a conclusion summarizing the key findings and insights discussed in the body paragraphs. Restate your overall evaluation or thesis statement, emphasizing the primary points of your analysis. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion; instead, focus on reinforcing the main argument of your evaluation essay.
You don't have to struggle to write your essay; if you're feeling unmotivated and struggling to put your ideas together, you can use CoWriter to write your essay. By entering a suitable prompt with all the relevant details, CoWriter will generate an entire essay for you. You can then proceed to review and edit this draft to develop a complete evaluation essay on your selected topic.
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By leveraging CoWriter, you can efficiently navigate the process of writing an evaluation essay, from topic selection to finalizing the polished draft.

Revise and edit:

Once you've finished your first draft of the evaluation essay, take the time to carefully assess the entire piece for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Edit the content to refine grammar, punctuation, and style to ensure the essay is easy to read and maintains a professional tone. Seeking instructor feedback can offer diverse perspectives and valuable suggestions to enhance the quality of your evaluation essay.

Additional Tips for Writing an Evaluation Essay:

  • Base judgments on evidence rather than personal opinions or biases.
  • Communicate ideas and analysis in a straightforward manner using clear and concise language.
  • Use specific examples and evidence to support your evaluation.
  • Acknowledge diverse viewpoints and address potential counterarguments.
  • Adhere to any specific guidelines or assignment requirements provided by your professor for the evaluation essay.
  • Ensure you maintain a logical progression of ideas and arguments throughout the essay.
  • Use transitional words and phrases to connect paragraphs and maintain coherence.
Here are ten examples of evaluation essays on various topics that can help enhance your understanding of the topic.

Download Evaluation Essay Sample PDF


What is the difference between an evaluation essay and a review?

An evaluation essay involves a more comprehensive analysis and judgment of a subject based on specific criteria, while a review typically provides a summary and personal opinion without as much emphasis on critical analysis and or evidence to back your judgment.

How do I gather evidence for my evaluation essay?

Gather evidence through research, personal observations, expert opinions, examples, data, statistics, quotes, and case studies.

Can I use pronouns like "I" and “me” in my evaluation essay?

The use of first-person pronouns like "I," "me," and "you" is generally discouraged when writing an evaluation essay. Maintaining a formal and objective tone is better, which is important in academic writing, including evaluation essays.

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Fredrick Eghosa

Written by

Fredrick Eghosa

AI Content Expert

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