The Good AI Review and Best Alternatives

Good AI is a handy platform that uses smart technology to assist with writing tasks. Its AI essay writer lets users quickly create 1,500-word, well-structured, and informative essays.

The Good AI Review and Best Alternatives
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Good AI is a handy platform that uses smart technology to assist with writing tasks. Its AI essay writer lets users quickly create 1,500-word, well-structured, and informative essays.
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The Good AI Review and Best Alternatives
Good AI is a handy platform that uses smart technology to assist with writing tasks. Its AI essay writer lets users quickly create 1,500-word, well-structured, and informative essays.
While The Good AI offers an easy-to-use platform and fast essay generation, it may not suit everyone. Its word count limitations and lack of advanced writing tools might not meet the needs of some users. However, for basic essay writing needs, it's a convenient option.
The free tool employs advanced AI to help users improve their writing skills. It can assist with grammar, style, and structure, smoothing the writing process. The Good AI’s simple interface makes generating and outlining essays straightforward. Its auto-complete feature can be a lifesaver for overcoming writer's block.
Key Takeaways
  • Good AI provides an easy-to-use platform for writing tasks, making it accessible to users with varying technical skills.
  • The Good AI's simple interface makes generating and outlining essays straightforward, with features like auto-complete aiding in smoother writing.
  • Users can easily integrate The Good AI's content with other writing and editing tools, enhancing their writing process.
  • While The Good AI offers quick essay generation, it may not suit some due to its word count restrictions and lack of advanced writing tools.
  • Some of the best alternatives to The Good AI when you want to generate a longer essay are CoWriter, Article Forge,,, and AI-Writer.

What is good AI?

Good AI is a smart writing tool that uses advanced technology to help with academic writing. It’s really fast and it lets you change any part of your document using AI.
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One of its main features is that the AI essay writer can quickly create content on many topics, making essay writing easier. The AI essay outliner helps you plan your essays neatly, and the word count slider lets you control how long your document is precisely. The AI auto-complete feature smoothly continues your writing, making the tool very flexible.
The document editing feature ensures your documents look polished and professional. The Good AI can help with writing in various areas, such as literature, technology, and personal stories. It's known for being easy to use, creating essays quickly, and having features that boost productivity.

Features of the Good AI

Good AI is a smart technology with many cool features that can do complex tasks. Here are some things it can do:
  • Essay Writer: This is The Good AI's main feature. It helps you write essays quickly. Tell it what your essay is about and how many words you need; it will create an excellent essay for you in no time.
  • Outliner: This feature helps you plan your essay. You give it a topic, and it organizes your ideas for you. It's really handy for making your writing process smoother.
  • Word Count Slider: This tool lets you choose exactly how many words you want in your essay. It's perfect for assignments where you need to hit a specific word count.
  • Autocomplete: This tool suggests words and phrases to help you finish your writing faster. It's like having a smart assistant to help you write better.
  • Document Editing: After you've written your essay, you can have a real person review it. It is useful if you feel the good AI missed something.
  • Wide Range of Topics: The Good AI knows a lot about many different subjects, from literature to history. So whether you're a student or a professional, it can help you with almost any topic.
  • High-Quality Essays: It's trained on millions of good essays, so you can trust that the essays it creates are well-written and accurate.
  • Try It for Free: You can try The Good AI for free, which is excellent if you want to see if it's right for you before you commit to paying for it.
  • Works with Other Tools: The Good AI can work alongside other writing and editing tools. Grammar checkers or plagiarism checkers can fit right into your workflow and make your writing even better.


The Good AI offers two choices for pricing:
Free Plan: This is the basic version of The Good AI. It limits essays to 100 words and doesn't include the AI Auto-Complete feature. It's suitable for students who need help with short assignments.
Premium Plan: For $5 a month, you get access to all of The Good AI's features. It includes AI autocomplete for essays, up to 2500 words, advanced essay options, and unlimited essays.

Pros and cons


  • The AI essay writing tool helps make essays quickly and efficiently, saving time.
  • If you're stuck on what to write, the AI auto-suggest feature gives you ideas for improving your content.
  • This tool helps you plan for your essay, keeping things organized.
  • Whether you're good with technology or just starting, the simple interface makes it easy for everyone.
  • You can try the tool for free to see if it's right without spending money.
  • You can easily use the content you create with other writing and editing tools, making the process smoother.


  • While it excels at generating essays, there may be better tools for extremely complex writing tasks or specialized content.
  • The tool relies heavily on AI, which means it may lack the nuanced touch of human creativity in certain scenarios.
  • As with any AI-generated content, occasional grammar or language issues may require user review.
  • Users should be cautious when using the tool for academic or professional purposes. AI-generated content might not be considered entirely original and may not pass a plagiarism checker review.

How to use the Good AI

  1. Create an account or log in to the Good AI website.
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  1. Choose what writing help you need, like an AI writer, an outliner, or starting from scratch.
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  1. Use the essay outliner to organize your essay ideas.
  1. Let the AI writer make your essay content for you.
  1. Change how long your document is with the Word Count Slider.
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  1. Keep writing smoothly with AI Auto Complete.

Best Alternatives for the Good AI


Whether you're a student, teacher, researcher, or creative writer, CoWriter is here to assist you. CoWriter uses cutting-edge AI technology to ensure that your writing is original while saving you time. We’ve noticed that it understands what you're writing and how you're writing it.
CoWriter supports various writing styles, including MLA, APA, and Harvard. It recognizes your format and understands your unique writing style. With CoWriter by your side, you can say goodbye to writer's block.
Additionally, CoWriter helps you organize your research tools and documentation. We love that it's not just for academic writing; it also supports marketing, advertising, creative writing, business communication, research, and content creation.
The key features of CoWriter are:
  • Document Creation: You can easily create new documents by clicking the "New Document" button. Start typing your topic or title, and Cowriter will assist you with helpful autocompletion.
  • Research Library: Cowriter automatically finds relevant sources for your topic. You can also add your own sources using the 'cite' command, enhancing your research process.
  • Custom Citations: Easily add your own sources to Cowriter's library by using the "Cite" button and selecting the "Custom Citation" option.
  • Library Organization: Keep your research organized by creating collections in your library. Add sources to collections for easy access.
  • AI Autocomplete: Write faster with Cowriter's autocomplete feature, which suggests your next line as you type.
  • AI Commands: Use AI Commands to translate, shorten, expand, rewrite, paraphrase, or simplify text. Simply highlight the text and choose the desired option from the toolbar.
  • Citations: Easily add citations to your document by highlighting the text and selecting the desired citation from the toolbar or searching for citations using the "Cite" button.
  • Citation Style: Choose your preferred referencing style, such as IEEE, APA, MLA, or Harvard, from the settings menu in the editor.
With plans tailored to suit everyone and every budget, there's something for everyone at CoWriter.
  • CoWriter's AI-powered research library automatically finds relevant sources for your topic, saving time and effort in the research process.
  • CoWriter simplifies citation management by allowing users to easily add and organize custom citations within the platform, enhancing their writing's credibility.
  • With features like AI autocomplete and AI commands, CoWriter helped us overcome writer's block and write more efficiently, resulting in a smoother overall writing experience.
  • The free plan is limited.

Article Forge

Article Forge is a writing tool that uses AI to automatically help you create long articles. With just one click, it can create content for blog posts and essays about the topic you choose. You add keywords and specify the article's length, and Article Forge does the rest.
Writing essays with Article Forge is easy. You type in your topic, keywords, and any extra instructions you have. You can even choose from seven different languages for your essay.
You can also edit the essay and change some things about it. You can choose if you want pictures or videos included, and there's even an option to make the writing seem more like a person wrote it, so it doesn't look like a computer did it.
Once your essay is done, you can save it as a text file or a PDF or do other things with it.
  • Article Forge can produce content in just one minute faster than people who might need days and other AI writers to create similar content.
  • It can make many different articles at once using the given keywords.
  • Article Forge claims it can create content that won't get noticed, ensuring the uniqueness of its creations.
  • Article Forge makes essays more interesting by including relevant pictures and videos related to the keywords, increasing audience interest.
  • Article Forge only offers paid plans, which might not be great for casual users or those with limited budgets, although it does give a 5-day trial for free.
  • Extra Content Creation: Sometimes, the tool might create essays with unnecessary parts, so you might have to spend more time fixing them. is a helpful AI tool for creating academic writing, such as essays and research papers. It can also rewrite and summarize other texts for you. Even though it doesn't have a feature to change words around, it's still suitable for creating academic essays on different topics.
With's Essay Generator, you just enter your title, provide details or instructions, choose the style you want, and specify the number of words you need. Then, it creates your essay. After that, you can use the built-in editor to change how it looks. You can highlight parts of the essay and ask the tool to make them simpler, longer, shorter, or say them differently. You can also check where the information came from.
If you want to organize your essays by subject, you can use the Tasks option. You pick your topic and add details like the title, the number of pages, where you got your information, and what style you want. There are options for both big and small subjects for college students.
You can't change your essay right in, though. You must download it or open it in Google Docs to make changes.
  • ensures essays are unique and include correct citations in APA and MLA formats, meeting academic rules.
  • You can tailor your paper with's adjustable settings, adding specific details to suit your needs.
  • The tool uses smart algorithms to ensure your content is flawless, with consistent grammar, tone, and adaptable writing styles.
  • When we tested it, we noticed that Textero AI might give wrong or unrelated references, so you might have to check them yourself.
  • The free version only allows you to use 3,000 words a month, which might not be enough for you. Therefore, you should consider getting the paid version for unlimited use. is a tool that helps you write essays without any hassle. Whether you're a college freshman, a busy graduate student, or even in high school, is made to help you. It's free for everyone and has lots of useful features. Plus, it can write essays for different levels of schooling, so it's a tool you'll like.
With, you just give it some details like the topic, academic level, type of essay, how many words you need, and how many pages. Then, it automatically makes your essay. You can even give it extra instructions to ensure it's just what you want.
The Essay Writer feature of does all the work for you. It creates your essay and lets you check for grammar and plagiarism. Plus, you can ask it to make your writing sound more like a human, so it doesn't seem like AI wrote it.
  •'s easy interface simplifies writing, so you can focus on content without worrying about technical stuff.
  • Generate citations in various styles easily with's citation generator feature.
  • In addition to essay generation, offers templates, such as thesis statement generators and readability analyzers, to help improve your writing.
  • Sometimes, the content from MyEssayWriter might seem basic and repeat the same things. Editing it can make it more interesting and humanized.


AI-Writer is a tool that uses AI to help you create different kinds of writing, such as blog posts, sales copy, or essays. It guarantees that what it creates is unique, new, and relevant. You can also check the source list to ensure the information is accurate and of good quality. If you need to use something again, AI-Writer can change the words to make it seem new and updated.
Sometimes, it takes time to decide what to write about next. AI-Writer's Topic Discoverer helps you figure out your next topic quickly. The Research and Write feature also makes essays faster. You give it a title or topic and say how many words you want. This feature is helpful for students and writers who need to finish things quickly.
Once the essay is done, the AI- writer shows you where the information came from. You can also use the Reword and Enhance feature to make changes to your essay if necessary. AI-Writer can improve your writing by using the title and what you wrote, giving you a polished final product.
  • AI-Writer has an easy design, so anyone can use it, no matter how much they know about tech.
  • AI-Writer gives you sources in its content, ensuring it's reliable and easy to check facts.
  • AI-Writer helps you think of new topics by looking at what's already out there, making it easier to develop new ideas for your writing.
  • We noticed that it makes longer essays sound robotic, so you must edit them to sound more natural.
  • AI-Writer doesn't let you use it for free, but you can try it for seven days before paying.

Best Thegoodai Alternative: Our Recommendation excels as a superior alternative to TheGoodAI by focusing on enriched academic writing capabilities. It provides an advanced AI that significantly enhances text manipulation, alongside a well-integrated library for streamlined research efforts. Moreover, its robust citation tools ensure academic integrity, while its user-friendly interface and versatile functionalities boost both productivity and creativity in various writing endeavors. These attributes position as the optimal choice for those seeking comprehensive AI-powered writing support.


The Good AI is a fantastic app for writing short essays of around 100 words. If you're interested in trying the free plan, go for it! The premium plan is also affordable at just $5 a month, and you can cancel anytime if you change your mind.
However, if you're looking for software to write longer essays with many features, alternatives like CoWriter are great options. With CoWriter, there’s no limit to your essay’s length, and it also offers basic tools like grammar and style corrections to catch any mistakes.

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Fredrick Eghosa

Written by

Fredrick Eghosa

Lead engineering teams at Figma, Pitch, and Protocol Labs.

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