12 Meaningful Questions to Easily Ask Your Mom About Her Life

Meaningful questions to ask your mom about her life include inquiries about her proudest moments, challenges she's overcome, role models, advice received, hopes, fears, past relationships, childhood memories, and favorite experiences. These open-ended questions foster deeper conversations and strengthen your connection.

12 Meaningful Questions to Easily Ask Your Mom About Her Life
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Meaningful questions to ask your mom about her life include inquiries about her proudest moments, challenges she's overcome, role models, advice received, hopes, fears, past relationships, childhood memories, and favorite experiences. These open-ended questions foster deeper conversations and strengthen your connection.
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12 Meaningful Questions to Easily Ask Your Mom About Her Life
Meaningful questions to ask your mom about her life include inquiries about her proudest moments, challenges she's overcome, role models, advice received, hopes, fears, past relationships, childhood memories, and favorite experiences. These open-ended questions foster deeper conversations and strengthen your connection.
Your mom is always there, giving you unconditional love and encouragement. She has catered to your needs from the moment you were born. She helped shape the person you've become today. With age, we realize that our mothers had their own lives before becoming mothers. Does that sound believable? Looking beyond just "mom" as a role opens up a whole new world about who she is. It helps one view their mom as someone who possesses their own experiences and aspirations but is different from the mothership itself, which brings forth her thoughts or ideas, too.
In this article, we'll be sharing 12 meaningful questions you can easily ask your mom about her life.
Key Takeaways
  • Recognize that your mom has a life story beyond her role as a mother. You gain deeper insight into her personality and values by asking about her challenges, role models, and advice received.
  • Use tools like Meminto to capture and organize your mom's answers, creating a lasting memory book for future generations.
  • By documenting your mom's answers and customizing the book layout, you can create a cherished keepsake that celebrates her unique journey and strengthens your bond.

Meaningful Life Questions to Easily Ask Your Mom

We have compiled a list of questions that you can ask your mother. These questions are meant to provide insight into her personality. They're open-ended, which means that they promote conversation and allow her to share her past experiences or stories.
You don't have to use all these questions; pick out what interests you most. Remember, the key is to learn more about our mothers as we spend time with them. So take as much time as you need and enjoy the conversation!
  1. What are you most proud of?
  1. What's the most difficult challenge you've had to overcome?
  1. Who were/are your role models? Who did you look up to when you were younger? Who do you look up to now?
  1. What do you remember about your parents' relationship? How did their relationship influence your romantic partnerships?
  1. What is the best advice you've ever received?
  1. What are your hopes and fears for the future?
  1. (If she worked)What was it like being a working mom at that time? Would you do it all over again? What would you change?
  1. (If she didn't work)What was it like being a stay-at-home mom at that time? Would you do it all over again? What would you change?
  1. How many serious relationships were you in before you settled down (if you did)? What were they like?
  1. Does the current year resemble what you imagined it would be like growing up?
  1. If you could relive one day of your life exactly as it is now, which day would you choose?
  1. What is your favorite memory?

How to Store the Answers to Your Mom's Questions About Her Life

Now that we've covered a list of meaningful questions to facilitate deeper conversations and understanding between you and your mom. These questions cover various aspects of her life, from proudest moments to hopes and fears for the future.
You can create a book to document your mom's answers for keepsakes. Memento offers options to customize your book to suit your needs.
Here's how you can use Meminto to create a book to store your mom's answers:
  1. You can download Meminto from the Apple Store or Google Play Store to begin creating your memory book.
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2. If you're new to Meminto, you'll need to create an account; otherwise, simply log in.
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3. Upon signing in, you can either fill out a form or sign in with your Gmail or Apple ID.
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4. Select "About (your own) life" as the topic, although you can use this option to write about anyone's life, not just your mom's.
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Alternatively, you can choose the "Blank Book (no questions included)" option to start from scratch.
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5. Next, Memento will prompt you to choose between the two options: "Write down your life story" and "A book about your life, with faith-based questions."
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6. Choose a package that suits your needs:
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  • Free Mini Book: It includes 9 questions, allows uploads of 30 photos, invites 2 participants, and more.
  • Digital Book: This option costs $10 and offers more features, such as custom questions. It also allows uploading 250 photos and invites up to 35 participants.
  • Printer Meminto Book: This has similar subscription features to the Digital Book but offers the option of receiving a hardcover book for approximately $79.
7. Then, specify the gender of the book's main character.
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8. You are then to provide their personal details such as their name, birth date, relationship status, and children's status.
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9. You can also indicate the person's mental health status (depression/anxiety) and personalize the book template based on their age ("The Life Book of 60+" or "The Life Book of 30+").
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10. Select your preferred language (German or English) and set up the frequency of receiving weekly questions. Once completed, click “Next step.”
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11. Customize your book's layout and settings to your liking.
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12. Answer questions, upload videos, audio, and pictures.
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13. You can also add your own questions and modify existing ones as desired when you click on the “+” icon.
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14. After completing all questions, edit your book's design via the web browser. Tap the three lines at the top left, scroll down, and select "layout and release."
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15. Make any necessary changes to your book's design, including the dedication, pages inside, and cover. Remember to save your changes after each step.
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16. Review your book before placing your order. Once satisfied, approve the order by clicking “Approve and Order.”
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17. Double-check everything and confirm the order by clicking" I HAVE CHECKED EVERYTHING, CONTINUE."
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18. Click the "RELEASE DIGITAL BOOK" button to receive a digital copy via email.
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19. Your memory book is now ready to be shared!


When you ask meaningful questions, you can foster a deeper understanding of your mom's life. This enriches your relationship with her and preserves her invaluable memories for future generations.
Using tools like Meminto to document her answers, you can create a cherished keepsake that celebrates her unique journey and strengthens your bond. Embrace the opportunity to learn from her experiences, share her joys and triumphs, and honor her profound impact on your life.

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Fredrick Eghosa

Written by

Fredrick Eghosa

Lead engineering teams at Figma, Pitch, and Protocol Labs.

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